ADRENAL HORMONES ADRENAL GLANDS: It is also called as supra renal glands it consist of two parts. Adrenal cortex adrenal medulla Adrenal cortex Consist of three layers Zona Glumelulosa (Minralocorticoids) Zona Faciculeta (Glucocorticoids) Zona Reticularis (Sex Steroids) Mineralocorticoids It is anti insulin hormone It is also causes lysis of fat which is called lipolysis after lysis fat converted in to fatty acids and glycerol's , fatty acids and glycerol send in the blood and increase its level. It is also cause the lysis of protein and convert the protein into amino acids. Glucocorticoid increase the level of amino acids glucose and fatty acids 2.Glucocorticoid s It is related with a metabolism of glucose It is a catabolic hormone It destroy the glycogen which is called glycogenolysis and send the glucose in to the blood and increases the level of blood glucose, (generation of glucose from non carbohydrate sourc...